Volume & Issue: Volume 12, Issue 1 - Serial Number 23, March 2019, Pages 1-372 
An Introduction to Explaining the Method and Process of Developing Islamic Economics Theory (The process of Crossing Theoretical Foundations into Operational Patterns)

Pages 1-40


Hossein Eivazlou

An Experimental Survey of the Relationship between Religiosity and the Incentive Reversal In-Group Activities: A Game Theory Approach in the Framework of Behavioral Economics

Pages 41-68


Omolbanin Jalali; Zahra Nasrollahi; Madjid Hatefi Madjumerd

Evaluating Strategies to Achieve Economic Justice: A System Dynamics Approach

Pages 69-88


Hossein Rezaee

Explaining and Ranking the Indicators of Government Efficiency and Effectiveness in Islamic Economics

Pages 89-120


Mohammad Hadi Zahedi Vafa; Mousa Shahbazi Ghiasi; Elyas Naderan

Pathology and Criticism of the Performance of Banking System in Iran from the Perspective of Economic Justice

Pages 121-150


Sayyed Abbas Mosavian; Mohammad Reza Mehrabanpour; Mohammad Rasoul Heshmati

The Influence of Banking Facilities Distribution on Iran’s Economic Growth; By Emphasis on Incorporating & Exchanging Contracts

Pages 151-176


Javad Taherpoor; Teymoor Mohammadi; Reza Fardi Kalahrodi

The Effect of Matching Behavior to the Usury (Interest) Free Banking System on the Economic Efficiency of Banking System: Application of Arellano-Bond N-Step GMM Estimator in Dynamic Panel Data Model

Pages 177-208


Mahdi Ghaemi Asl; Mina Mirhosseini

A Comparative Comparison of Murabahah and Salam Contracts through the Effect on the Utility of the Parties to the Contract (Applied to the Genetic Algorithm)

Pages 209-232


Rafi Hasani Moghadam; Hassan Dana Mazrae

Analyzing the Legitimacy of Renting Money

Pages 233-254


Ahmad Ali Ghaneh

A Jurisprudential Review of Ja'alah's Contract

Pages 255-280


Sadiq Elham

Investigating the Compliance of Operations and Financial Statements of Banks in the Foreign Exchange Sector With Interest-Free Banking Standards

Pages 281-310


Sayyed Ali Rohani; Sayyed Mahdi Banitaba; Mostafa Movaffagh

Inspector and Auditor's Criminal Responsibility under the Law Governing the Securities Market and Imamiah Jurisprudence

Pages 311-344


Mohammad Javanmardi; Ali Gholami

The Elements of Economic Decision-Making System in Islamic-Iraninan Progress Plan

Pages 345-372


Sayyed Mahdi Zaribaf; Mahmood Eisavi; Amir Khademalizade