Aims and Scope

The production of indigenous Islamic knowledge in the field of Islamic economics includes the three following areas:

  1. Islamic Theoretical Economics: which includes the theorizing of the first grade and second grade “what”s and “why”s of this field;
  2. Creating the system and the institutions of Islamic Economics: which includes the epistemological frameworks of the “how” of governance, government administration and public policy in the economic sphere;
  3. Creating the culture and the behavior of Islamic Economics: which includes the development of frameworks and standards of education in three constituent elements of the economic community i.e., the individual, the family and the firm. Based on these, the formation of the society based on Islamic economic teachings will be provided and it will lead to the completion of other efforts in other areas of individual and social life.

The scientific-research Biquarterly Journal of Islamic Economic Studies is going to provide a different service to the field of Islamic Economics in Iran through the publication of the results of researches being done in all dimensions of Islamic economic studies (especially in areas 2 and 3 discussed above). Hence, we seek the contribution and support of all the professors, scholars, experts and professionals interested in the field of Islamic Economic Studies.