An Experimental Survey of the Relationship between Religiosity and the Incentive Reversal In-Group Activities: A Game Theory Approach in the Framework of Behavioral Economics

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D in Economics,Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Economics, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

3 Postdoctoral Researcher of Economics, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of religion on the occurrence of incentive reversal in team work. In this regard, the basics of behavioral economics were used and sample also is done within the framework of the experimental environment to conduct sequential and simultaneous games that were complete, static and dynamic, and perfect and imperfect. A questionnaire was used to measure religion. Samples used in this study were 182 volunteers from Yazd and Ayatollah Haeri students who were willing to participate in this experiment. These samples participated in 12 stages of play (6 simultaneous and 6 sequential game stages), which included 2184 observations, and entered the lab at the beginning of the game and received written instructions. The results of this study showed that, at the level of individual performance, the decisions of individuals has no correlation with their religiosity; and in any case, the incentive reversal will occur. However, at the team level and in the simultaneous game, the results indicate the correlation of religiosity with the performance of individuals.     


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