Explaining and Ranking the Indicators of Government Efficiency and Effectiveness in Islamic Economics

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Economics, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran

2 .A in Islamic Studies and Economics, Faculty of Economics, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


Over the past two decades, research on the role of government in the economy has focused on the size of government and its tasks in the economy in terms of the efficiency and effectiveness of the state in the economy. This change of view on the state of the economy has led to the formation of several studies on the formulation and presentation of indicators of government efficiency and effectiveness in global reports and research. In this regard, the adaptation of these indicators and the presentation of indicators derived from the principles and duties of the government in Islamic economics is of great importance. By adopting a straightforward conceptual approach to efficiency and effectiveness, the efficiency and effectiveness of the government can be arranged so that using resources and authority, the tasks are carried out in such a way that it has the highest output and revenue and achieve the most effective results. This research is based on the position and duties of the government in the economic system of Islam, after separating the areas of government duties, including macroeconomic, monetary and financial areas, government revenue and expenditure, justice and public welfare, administrative and management, regulation and market surveillance, security Economic and property rights and the field of science and education to extract and provide indicators of assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of government in the above areas and ranking each of the indicators based on the experts questionnaire. The index of the ratio of households under the headline of poverty to total households in the area of justice and welfare among64 indicators, ranked first, which shows that according to expert opinions, the area of justice in measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the government with the index (low) ratio Households under the poverty line are the most important component and indicator. The set of identified and ranked indicators in this research can be used to measure government performance in accordance with Islamic economics.


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