Evaluating Strategies to Achieve Economic Justice: A System Dynamics Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Economics, Payame Noor University, Semnan, Iran.


In this paper, using System Dynamics Approach to the evaluation methods of achieving economic justice. In this paper, the existing mechanisms in the economy that ultimately improved the income gap and increasing GDP per capita Which represents economic justice using causal relationships . Vensim software is used for drawing casual diagrams. The model is generated of the three sub model income gap, inflation and tax. In addition to providing social services to reduce the income gap is proportional to income deciles for basic needs the amendment to the income tax structure and transparency, to implement the Tax Justice. Tax Justice with an increase in per capita income will have an important role in reducing the income gap. Trying to reduce dependence on oil revenues and fiscal discipline are also factors in achieving economic justice. The government has also recommended the implementation of monetary and fiscal policy, inflation targeting does.


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