Analyzing the Legitimacy of Renting Money

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Faculty of Theology, Islamic Studies and Guidance, Imam Sadiq University


The loan Riba and transaction Riba are forbidden transactions and renting the soul and objects includes in halal deals. Does renting money with keeping all of the tenancy and its terms is an example of loan and Riba or includes in renting objects?
This research, while paying attention to the nature of money and its function, as well as taking into account the pillars and rulings of Riba loans and leases, claims that renting Money is as legitimate as renting a home or a car. And due to the difference in rental sentences and the risk taking of the Lender over borrowing in hypothesis and routine issues. What as a tenant's rent lending to a borrower is in the same way or in this kind of bondage is in contract. And this kind of rebuke is in other contracts such as Mudarabah, Musqaqat, Muzra'a, and Company. It is considered to be paid in excess of the debt of Rabavi as "Ribh Mala Yuzman" and the lender in addition, does not take any kind of risk to the capital, there is not a clear reason for forbidding renting money. The absence of a problem in ancient jurisprudential texts does not mean a ruling or a fatwa opposed to jurisprudents regarding this issue. Since the principle or the same thing is defined by itself and becomes meaning. The condition of survival with the benefit of it At Lease Pay Money And the probability that renting a trick is to borrow, despite the profound differences between these two, are eliminated.


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