Jurisprudential review of forex market transactions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A in Faculty of Theology, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Faculty of Theology, Islamic Student and Guidance, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran.


Today, currency exchange plays an important role in the international community.One of the global financial markets where different currencies are placed against each other and the prices are determined by supply and demand is "Forex Market", which has new opportunities for investing in the currency market and has attracted the attention of Muslim and non-Muslim traders. With the introduction of forex trading in Iran, different views were raised by legal and religious institutions, which caused confusion about the market trend; Also, due to several reasons such as the suspicion of gambling transactions, the existence of fake transactions in the market and the lack of identity of brokerages, the granting of credit by brokerages and the creation of suspicions of usurious transactions due to the receipt of profits, the forced departure of capital from the country and damage to the economy, bans for this market It was found that the precise and scientific identification and examination of those reasons can help policymakers in designing and controlling the currency market so that the economic stability and security of the country can be ensured;The purpose of the current research is to investigate the most important Shariah doubts related to this market, and in order to analyze the jurisprudential aspects of these transactions, the data and information required for the research have been collected using library tools, documents and with the benefit of written and oral sources. In the current research, by conducting research on the nature of the forex market and the doubts on it, it is evaluated in a descriptive, analytical method and citing jurisprudence propositions that at present, due to the conditions of the country and the failure of most traders in the forex market and the exit of currency from the country and damage to Economy, presence in the forex market has no legal justification.


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