Estimation of the production cooperatives' development index and macroeconomic factors affecting on it: Fuzzy logic and panel data

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty Member of Razi University

2 Post doctorate researcher, University of Razi, Kermanshah, Iran



This article aims to calculate the production cooperatives' development index as one of the tools of the Islamic economy. Additionally, this study examines the macroeconomic factors affecting this index. First, by using the fuzzy logic method, the development index of production cooperatives in 5 different sectors (including handwoven carpet cooperatives, industrial, agricultural, mining, and total production cooperatives) in the provinces of Iran from 2011 to 2017 is calculated. Then, using the panel data method, the macroeconomic factors affecting the development of production cooperatives in different sectors are investigated. The results of the fuzzy logic approach show that, on average, Razavi Khorasan provinces in the field of mining cooperatives, Mazandaran in the field of agricultural cooperatives, East Azarbaijan in the field of industrial cooperatives, and Razavi Khorasan province had a higher position in the total number of cooperatives. In contrast to Ilam provinces in the field of mining cooperatives, Qazvin had the lowest position in the field of agricultural and industrial cooperatives and overall cooperatives. The results of the panel data model showed that the added value of different production sectors has a positive and significant effect on the development of cooperatives. On the other hand, the consumer price index and exchange rate have a negative and significant effect on the development of production cooperatives in most models.


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 14 March 2024