Just Price as a Theological Institution: Investigating the Experience of the Scholastic Thinkers and Approaches to Islamic Economics

Document Type : Research Paper


1 imam sadigh pbuh university

2 Associated Professor of Islamic Studies and Economics Faculty at Imam Sadiq University



Despite studies that have been conducted so far, this research aims to reevaluate the scholastic theory of just price by a theological approach. In this regard, we will show that just price is a theological effort to help people on their faith journey towards their happiness. The findings confirm that just price is the product of a teleological approach to human happiness and its material requirements. The introduction of need and its common estimation as a turning element for defining the just price shows the importance of the human end in estimating the value of goods from the scholastic perspective; hence, everything that can help human perfection. The scholastics were not satisfied with explaining the theoretical dimensions of the just price; eliminating the practical challenges of believers in the use of the just price institution was considered another of their efforts. In this regard, Legal price, informed persons, costs, and joint agreement were among practical solutions of scholastics for determining just price in the market.


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 14 March 2024