Analyzing the qualitative criteria for prioritizing loan applicants in Quranic verses and hadiths

Document Type : Research Paper


1 islamic and economy of imam sadegh

2 PhD student in financial management of Allameh Tabatabai University

3 Master's student of Islamic Studies and Financial Management of Imam Sadiq University



One of the requirements for the realization of the new Islamic civilization is the implementation of the Islamic economic system in the society. Considering the scope and wide application of "loan contract", one of the most important questions in the design of the Islamic economic system is the criteria for prioritizing loan applicants. The discovery of these criteria, in addition to helping to find a part of the Islamic economic system as one of the effective solutions in the field of improving the productivity of the economic system, will lead to a better use of Qarz Al-Hosna funds in the banking system of Iran and fair distribution at the level of society. The main issue of the current research is what are the effective criteria for prioritizing loan applicants from the perspective of Islam. In this study, by using the fundamental and theoretical approach and thematic consideration in the Quran and referring to the interpretations and providing tips to the experts, the search for the desired criteria of Islam in prioritizing loan applicants has been done. Finally, it was found that according to the position of Qarz al-Hasna in Islam, two groups of criteria related to the present problem can be reached. The first group as criteria related to the merit of the applicant including the necessity of the need, the reason for becoming in need and the way of spending funds, his social behavior and the motivation of the applicant in repaying the loan and the second group as


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 09 January 2024