The Concept and Application of Induction Method in Formulating Theories of Islamic Economics

Document Type : Research Paper


Islamic economics, Imam Khomeini educational institute, Qom, Iran



As a prominent general theory method in humanities, the induction method is one of the most practical strategic methods of information sources for theorizing in this field. Numerous frameworks have been mentioned in various research studies to identify and categorize the concept and application of the induction method. Still, no research has systematically and systematically examined the position and method of induction in Islamic economics, and in some cases, it has led to several structural, form, and content problems. In this regard, this study aims to investigate the concept and application of the induction method in the development of economic theories. The article has been done with the help of text analysis, rational, and library research techniques. According to the hypothesis of the article, if it has a correct understanding of its practical principles, the method of induction can be considered as one of the sources in the field of theorizing in Islamic economics. The results of the present study show that the inductive approach, as a general method of theorizing, provides a set of systematic methods for analyzing qualitative and quantitative data. Moreover, it can produce reliable and valid findings in economics and other general methods, which is less common in theorizing in humanities.


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