Explaining the concept of popular economy from the dual perspective of the originality of the individual and society

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Economics, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.

2 teacher / tehran university



Social thinkers are faced with the conflict between the individual and the society from various viewpoints, on the one hand, there is concern about the loosening of social ties and endangering the life of society, and on the other hand, about individual freedoms and their suppression by governments. The objective realization of the first view has been in the form of socialist states or welfare states; And the second view has appeared in the form of support for the free market and minimal government. In this article, the explanation of the dual bases of the market and the government is discussed regarding the difference of views on the originality of the individual and the society. Despite the disagreement of Islamic scholars regarding the originality of the individual and the society, the Hekmat-e-motealiyeh that considers the originality of both the individual and the society has been used in this article. Based on the selected basis, the only way to reduce the conflict between the individual and the society is to bring the culture and thought of the people closer to each other. Liberalism will be an obstacle to cultural unity. By intensifying the conflict, liberalism provides the ground for violence and the loss of real freedom. The objective realization of the selected basis in the field of economy is explained in this article under the title "Popular economy". It seems that popular economy has the ability to respond to both the concerns of individual freedom and social solidarity.


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