Modeling the realization of a resistance economy with an emphasis on economic extraversion on Economic Growth: A systemic dynamics approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 economics faculty, payamnoor university, semnan

2 alame university



In the introduction of the announcement of the general policies of the resistance economy, it is stated that "with the aim of providing dynamic growth with a jihadist approach, endogenous and exogenous general policies of the resistance economy are announced." One of the goals of realizing a resistance economy is to achieve dynamic growth with an outward-looking approach to the economy, and choosing a suitable currency system is considered one of the necessary and necessary conditions to achieve this goal. The purpose of this research is to design a dynamic and systematic simulation model in order to determine the appropriate currency system for strong interaction with international markets (economic externalization). Therefore, the question is raised, which is the appropriate currency system to achieve dynamic economic growth with an emphasis on externalization of the economy? In this article, using the systemic dynamics approach and with the help of Vensim software, the macroeconomic model is designed. In order to find a suitable currency system, the nominal exchange rate changes on the variables of the external sector of the economy, i.e. export, import and balance of payments and national production for the period of 1396-1440 have been investigated. Changes in exports and imports have been evaluated in four states: stabilization, multiple jump, small initial increase, and mild and continuous increase in the exchange rate. The results of the implementation of the model show that the balance of payments (externalization) and as a result economic growth in inflationary conditions becomes positive only in the case of an increase in the exchange rate proportional to the inflation rate, and in a situation where the exchange rate is stabilized, the balance of payments has the most unfavorable conditions. As a result, the managed floating currency system is considered the best currency policy for the externalization of the economy.

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