Cognition of Iranian Consumers Consumption Behavior in Order to Advance the Resistance Economy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Postdoctoral Researcher in Economics, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University

2 Member of Scientific Board / Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

3 Member of Scientific Board / Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


It is very necessary to understand the consumption behavior of consumers in order to institutionalize the correct and appropriate method of using material and non-material resources of the country, because according to paragraph 8 of the general policies of the resistance economy, this knowledge will improve people's life indicators and reduce costs. The main goal of this paper is to understand the behavior of Iranian consumers by extracting price and income elasticities using the linear approximation model of the almost ideal demand system based on seemingly unrelated regressions. For this purpose, 8 product groups including food, beverages and tobacco, shoes and clothes, housing, furniture and household appliances, health and treatment, transportation and communication, entertainment, culture and other groups during the period of 1971- 2019 is considered. The findings of this research showed that price elasticities are negative for all 8 subgroups of goods, and for all subgroups except foods, beverages, tobacco and other goods, the income elasticity is less than one. The non-eighth groups are less than 1 with a very small difference.


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