Explaining the influence pattern of human institution and behavior based on Islamic teachings and Explaining its application in providing scenarios supporting domestic goods

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student, Department of Economic, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Economic, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Economic, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan, Iran.


One of the fundamental issues in the field of the impact of institution and individual on each other is to provide a causal relationship between the individual and the institution, as well as to explain the mechanism and process of interaction between the two. The present research first extracts the causal relationship between the individual and the institution. Then, using the two concepts of "properties and commons" and "difference in wills", it explains the mechanism of influence of individual and institution on each other. Recent work has, firstly, substantiated the result of examining the causal relationship that was identified from person to institution in this study, and secondly, by stating that the influence of the individual and the institution in different situations can take various forms, removes this doubt. It shows that the precedence and latency of an institution or individual, like the parable of the hen and the egg, is not a vicious circle or sequence, but has the possibility of a logical explanation. Finally, the research expresses the application of the model in introducing scenarios that support domestic goods and explains that what kind of relationship between the components of the model can lead to the protection of domestic goods. It should be noted that the present study in the first part has used the method of documentation and libraries and refers to the Holy Quran as the main religious source and in the second part has used the method of scenario writing as a tree of probability.


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