The criteria and indices of production in resistive economy for measuring of production

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Graduated in Economics, Department of Economics, Imam Khomeini Institute, Qom, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Economics, Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute, Qom, Iran

3 PhD Graduated in Political Jurisprudence and International Relations, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran


The discovery of production criteria and indicators in the resistive economy to move on the path of implementation and measurement of Tayyeb production in the resistive economy is essential for the promotion of production.
With descriptive analytical method through conceptual explanation and using the statement of Imam Khamenei, five criteria are proposed as production criteria in the resistive economy: endogeneity & extroversion in the production, knowledge-based, to be Popular and jihadi, justice centered in the production and to be Tayyeb inputs and factor production. Also proposed indices by the same method to measure each of the five measures.
The targeting of these indices can be followed the promotion of Tayab production. There are indices such as the aggregation index of endogeneity & extroversion, combined index of knowledge-based, The ratio of the working hours of manufacturing practitioners to the level of balance (8 hours), the ratio of the average received factors of production to sufficient income for resolve the normal needs, the ratio of the value of the free Tayyeb inputs to the GDP and the coefficient of be Tayyeb of employees relative to production


قرآن کریم
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