The role of religious beliefs in obtaining interbank religions Case study of Kermanshah province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Islamic Economics, Faculty of Management, Qom University, Qom, Iran

2 Professor of Economics, Faculty of Management, Qom University, Qom, Iran


Undoubtedly, the economic behavior of individuals, like their other behavior, is influenced by their religious beliefs. Banking activities, whether depositing or applying for facilities Niza Zain is no exception to the general rule. Despite the implementation of the law on interest-free banking in Iran, there are doubts about the Islamic activities of banks among religious people, which makes them unlucky To the bank and deposit their funds in banks and also receive facilities from them. According to the banking statistics published by the Central Bank in September 2018 in obtaining bank loans and the population statistics of the Statistics Center of Iran, it has been determined that the per capita use of bank loans in Iran in provinces that most of their population is Sunni is very small. In this study, based on the demographic data of 1390, a sample of the cities of Kermanshah province was examined and screened according to the mixed Shia and Sunni context using the Cochran sampling method and a questionnaire was distributed among them. Due to the normality of the research data, t-statistic was used to examine significance of the difference between the two groups and Pearson correlation coefficient. In this questionnaire, among different loans, three types of them including Qarz al-Hasna and its fees, Ja'ala and Murabaha and their gains and the penalty for late payment of these loans were examined. The results show that the value of t-statistic for the two groups is -2.45 and has a probability value of less than 0.05 and the null hypothesis that the mean of the two groups is equal is rejected; In other words, the difference in obtaining facilities between the two groups is statistically significant. Also, Pearson correlation coefficient between religious belief and Qarz al-Hasna facility is equal to 0.312, while the correlation coefficient between Ja'ala and Murabaha facility and religious belief is relatively higher and equal to 0.87 and 0.785, respectively. The results show that in Sunni areas in Kermanshah province, the use of banking loans is less than in Shia areas.


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