Rereading the Jurisprudential Principles of Money Laundering

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD On Monetary economics, Imam Sadiq university, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of Economics, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Economics, Imam Sadiq University Tehran, Iran

3 Asistant Professor of Economics, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Economics, Imam Sadiq University Tehran, Iran


Inflationary expectations in the conventional economics follow a specific pattern that is called rational expectations. This pattern is a standard and comprehensive model used in economic theorizing and modeling. However, according to the evidence of the laboratory economics, the way in which the expectations of economic actors are formed is heterogeneous. In this research, we tried to explain the reason for this heterogeneity by explaining the conception of Allameh Tabatabai's “Etebari Perceptions” and explaining that expectations could be different from the view of the new classic economists. The findings suggest that heterogeneity in expectations is due to the plurality of “Perceptions” caused by the historical and contemporary process of geographical and temporal contexts, and the teaching of the rules related to these “Perceptions” plays an important role in perceiving individuals as correct or inaccurate or rational and irrational has it. However, using rational or irrational interpretations of expectations can be misleading.


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