The Meta-Analysis of Resistance Economics Studies in Iran: Identify the Factors Affecting the Strength of the Internal Structure of the Organization Against Shock

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Economics Department of Islamic Economics, Research Center of Islamic Studies in the Humanities Ferdowsi University Of Mashhad

2 Graduate of Business Management, Faculty of Management, Imam Reza University, Mashhad, Iran

3 PhD Student in Economics, Faculty of Islamic Education and Economics, Imam Sadiq) University, Tehran, Iran


Authentic documents published by scientific, regulatory and executive institutions indicate that a decade after the announcement of the general policies of the resistance economy by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and also his emphasis on their importance in the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution of Iran; These policies have not been implemented to an acceptable level and have caused economic shocks to affect people's lives. This paper seeks to methodically identify the variables that can be observed to implement the general policies of the resistance economy.  This study assumes that researchers in resistance economics believe that the economy is resilient to possible shocks to the economy and have been concerned with the implementation of the general policies of the resistance economy at various levels Using meta-analysis method, more than 200 papers with scientific research degree related to the subject of resistance economics from 1391 to the end of 1399 have been reviewed. Distributed identified factors and barriers and their sub-components at three times before implementation, between implementation and after implementation; After holding scientific meetings about them and validation by experts, they have been introduced as an observable variable to measure the organization's resilience to shocks. Executive and supervisory managements In order to implement the general policies of the resistance economy at any level, organizations should try to monitor the introduced variables and try to strengthen the operating variables; And undermine barrier variables.


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