The Privacies of Usury in Islamic Jurisprudence;Implications for the Islamic Banking Model

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law, Faculty of Islamic Sciences and Researches, Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU), Qazvin, Iran.


The prohibition of usury is accepted as one of the indisputable rules of Islam, But there is no consensus  in concept and types of it, The certainty of that is Usurious Loan ,But in  Islamic traditions threr is Numerous cases that is prohibited as Riba, withot the nature of usury, What is the basis of this prohibition? Does usury have a nature that all of these things, including usury loan, are examples of that general concept? Or the nature of usury is unique to usury loan, In this case, what is the basis for prohibiting other cases? The answer to this question plays a very key role in the design and evaluation of banking operations, If the interest is limited to the loan, the facility can be arranged in the form of other contracts that There is no problem in receiving too much in accordance with the main obligation, But according to another opinion these cases are of the nature of usury And it should be avoided, in this research by induction and analysis has reached this conclusion The Riba Prohibition only in loan has legal and rational justification, In other cases, there is no nature of usury, The reason for its prohibition in Islamic traditions is to create privacy for usury,in order to peoples  don’t convert loans to the other cases and do not implement usury in new forms Something that has been neglected today in the design of the Islamic financial and banking system.


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