Separation of Permissible Tricks and Unauthorized Tricks of Usury Loan According to Customary Criteria

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute, Qom, Iran


Despite the fact that the sanctity of usury is a necessity of Islam, but the permission and impermissibility of using the tricks of usury is still a matter of serious debate among jurists. Some believe in permission, and some believe in impermissibility, and some elaborate. Some scholars have set the criteria for identifying permissible and unlawful tricks, rather than detail. One of the proposed criteria is to refer to custom of the wise. It is claimed that custom, based on its associations, lends some of the tricks of usury to usury. However, no one has yet discussed the method of discovering custom in this field. In the present article, research on the basics of discussion in an analytical-descriptive manner and using library resources, and discovering the view of custom in a field method and using the research method in the humanities and using SPSS 22 software. The results of the research show that the view of custom is not the same and explicitly associates some with usury and others with hesitation. The more realistic the alternative to usury, the safer it is to suspect usury.


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