Reflection on Ayatollah Mahdavi Kani's Thoughts in the Field of Justice with Emphasis on the Economic Sector

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Researcher at Rushd Center & Ph.D. Student of Public Administration, Imam Sadiq (A.S) University, Tehran, Iran

2 Researcher at Rushd Center & Ph.D. of Public Administration, Imam Sadiq (A.S) University, Tehran, Iran

3 Researcher at Rushd Center & Ph.D. of economics, Imam Sadiq (A.S) University, Tehran, Iran


Justice as a moral virtue at the individual level and a fundamental principle in social life has always been considered by various Islamic thinkers and thinkers. In the jurisprudential, moral and economic thoughts of the late Ayatollah Mahdavi (RA), the issue of justice has been dealt with in different ways and forms from different perspectives. Undoubtedly, a detailed study and elaboration of all the teachings that his thought has for the field of Islamic studies needs a wider scope. In this research, by studying and reviewing some of the letters and speeches available to him, which are mainly of economic nature, an attempt has been made to express the key teachings of these topics for Islamic studies in the field of justice. The relationship between justice and truth and virtue, the relationship between justice and benevolence, the relationship between justice and installment, the issue of the relationship between jurisprudence and justice and the conceptual explanation of "relativity of justice" are among the important topics mentioned in the discussions of that esteemed contemporary jurist. However, due to their involvement in economic issues, there are several teachings in the field of economic justice with a focus on various issues such as "ownership" and "wages". The final part of the research deals with his discussions about the various meanings of "fair wages" and his independent meaning of this concept is determined by distinguishing between "real wages" and "contract wages".


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