An Examination of the Position of Economic Man in Mainstream Economics

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The present article attempts to introduce and contemplate the important concept of economic man in neoclassical economics and introduces and criticizes various angles. The present study seeks to examine and criticize the concept of economic man and some of its contradictions with Islamic economics. Findings of the research indicate that the neoclassical approach to human beings is not consistent with the foundations of values and the realities of different societies. The study of the philosophical foundations of individualism and hedonism in the school of liberalism, in addition to being incompatible with the foundations of Islamic economics and criticized not only by Muslim scholars but also criticized by Western scholars. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to reflect on this key concept that passes through our textbooks quickly, and personal benefits and maximization of profits are introduced into scholarship as one of the fundamental principles of the science of mainstream economics. Concepts such as hedonism, individualism, and personal interest are defined and criticized.


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