Explaining the Concept of Money Creation from Nothing in the Conventional Banking System and Moving to Wards Full Reserve Banking System: An Application of SFC Model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics, Arak University, Arak, Iran,

3 Economic Researcher,


Recent financial and banking crises in the world, has raised concerns among economists about the inefficiency of conventional banking system. In conventional banking, banks, through the creation of credit and the creation of money, have led to a rise in liquidity and false claims, resulting in many of the unorganized economic consequences, such as inflation, unemployment, unfair distribution, stagnation, and so on. Over the past decades, various theories have been developed in the domain of banking system: the financial intermediation, the fractional reserve and the credit creation theories of banking. Empirical evidence suggests that the third theory is superior to first and second theory. That is, banks alone can make money from nothing, which is illustrated by a simple bank accounting process. The statistics also show that the creation of bank credit and liquidity of banks has been steadily increasing over the recent years, and it is coincided with decreasing legal deposit rates for banks. In this paper, based on the Stock-flow Consistent) SFC (model and in a closed economics the effect of the creation of money in the full reserve banking system has been investigated. The empirical results indicate that the creation of money in this system can hold government debts at a fixed level and to zero even in the long term and the government brings with it a permanent budget surplus. Because the money created by the banking system is not created, it increases the level of wealth of the households with the creation of money. Hence, moving towards full-reserve banking and Islamic banking will play an important role in reforming the banking system and attaining a sustainable economy.


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