Designing an Indicator for Measuring the Time Allocation between Work and Leisure Types in an Islamic Framework

Document Type : Research Paper


استادیار اقتصاد، دانشکده مدیریت و اقتصاد، دانشگاه لرستان، خرم آباد، ایران


Welfare indicators and optimal allocation of leisure - labor are derived from the values of society, which is a part of the normative economic. One of the problems of societies is the lack of a standard for appropriate allocation of time between leisure and work in accordance with the values of societies. In this research, based on the Islamic values and the Hadith of Imam Musa Kazem (AS), the time allocation method of leisure time is introduced. In this hadith, Imam Musa Kazem (as) says that one day should be divided into four parts: A part of livelihood, a part of prayers and worship, a part of communicating with friends and a part for halal pleasures. Imam (AS) did not determine the amount of each of these parts, which seems to be determined according to time, place, and so on conditions. Accordingly, a time allocation method was introduced using a similar method to the human development index. Based on that, people, planners and Islamic rulers can find out about the time allocation of leisure - work in the Islamic community. This index can be used as a) spatial (provinces and regions), b) time (one country or region at different times), and c) professional (comparing the status of indicators in different industries).


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