A Study of the Fundamentals of Methodological and Cognitive Individualism and Critique of Methodological Methodology in Rational Selection Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD Candidate in the Philosophy of Islamic Economics, Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute ,Qom ,Iran


The theory of rational choice in explaining people's economic behavior is explained on the basis of methodological individualism, which is based on real existence for independent and similar individuals. The analysis of the contexts and logical reasons for the tendency of economists to individualistic methodology and the critical study of individual choice as a unit of analysis in theories of choice and behavior is a concern of this paper.
According to research findings, the fundamentals of ontology, epistemology, and methodology such as individualism, deliverance, and nomenclature are influential in the tendency toward individualism. Most of the arguments put forward are invalid, and the correct ones are unable to correct the methodological correctness due to future problems. Problems such as lack of consideration of the real origin and effects of society and social institutions, lack of attention to psychological socialism in people's choices and behavior, lack of analysis of society as a whole, inability to deliver social institutions to individuals and inconsistency of methodological individualism with the component Rational choice, social concepts of economics and short-term economic analysis are among the critiques of methodological individualism, some of which merely refer to the theory of rational choice and some of which include all theories in economics or social sciences.


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