Economic legal Explanation of Contracts and Incompetent Activities in Large Areas and New Economic Conditions.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Qom university, Qom, Iran.

2 Ph.D. in Jurisprudence and Private Law, Shahid Motahari University, Tehran, Iran.


Incompetent trades are trades done by an incompetent person or can be issued by him, but the trader is not incompetent. Examples of incompetent Transactions are different at any time, and what was competent in the past can today be considered as incompetent. Incompetency is visible in all types of contracts, terms and economic activities. To find out the rate of productivity, we should refer to the leading and expert traditions. A criterion for detecting such transactions is the level of productivity resulting from a legal or economic action. The lower the effectiveness of a measure, the more incompetent it is, and it is closer to vanity. Some jurisprudents and lawyers believe in the voidness of the incompetent trades. In this paper, the concept of incompetency, incompetent and efficiency (as a criterion for the lack of incompetency in large areas), and the view of jurisprudence and law about the incompetent contracts are being studied.
The nature and decree of incompetency are mainly discussed in small scale contracts and activities, and this article deals with this issue in large scale contracts and activities andin response to the question of the nature of foolishness in large areas from the point of view of jurisprudence, it is hypothesized that the viewpoint of jurisprudence about incompetency in large areas is based on maximum productivity and efficiency.


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