Transition from"Linear-Elitist Model of Progress" to " Non-linear-Participatory Model of Progress" in Analysis of Drives

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Political Science Department, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran


The documents of Islamic-Iranian Model of Progress (IIMP) are the upstream documents that will be  in the expose to  the three branches of government and governmental  institutions that will, in the light of it, draw the desired future for the country. There are numerous obstacles and difficulties on the realization of the ideals of Model of  Progress, which must greatly endeavor by adopting the necessary measures and utilizing different points of view to further their goals. Among these obstacles and difficulties, being the procedure of elitist-linear assumed in the context of IIMP document, with no anticipation than future uncertainties. Whereas the conditions over the world around us, due to the presence of multiple drives, are quite different and nonlinear- participatory. In non-linear conditions, evolution and progress are  the function of  the complex and chaotic system, and the drives as the variables that, in such an opaque and fuzzy environment, are neither function to one-sided cause-effect linear relationships nor any other elite consensus dissociated from diverse populations ,enjoys necessary Sufficiency in the future thinking. This paper, while critiquing the procedure on documenting the Center for IIMP , considers the realization of each program and document to be required on two factors: 1. Given the structures and interactions of drives in complex and nonlinear systems, including the recognition of uncertainties; 2. To adjust the documents of Progress in totally to the backing the methods of participatory  futures studies to be implementing through establishment of E-government. In this paper, the data were collected through library and analytical-descriptive methods.


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