A Jurisprudential Review of Compensation of devaluation of money (With a fundamental approach of the nature of money analysis)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran

2 Lecturer in Faculty of Economics, Kharazmi University, Tehran.


The discussion of inflation, devaluation of money and how to compensate for it, is one of the discussions of the scientific, jurisprudential and economic circles. Economists seek to curtail it and the jurists seek to explain the jurisprudential rulings attributed to this phenomenon. The best way to determine the jurisprudential rulings of money and its issues in Islamic economics is to base it. On the other hand, it is a prerequisite for the resolution of the basis of these rulings and the issues of rigorous analysis of the nature of money. This research, using a descriptive-analytical method with difficulty knowing the jurisprudential results of the two theories of "‘Itibari Purchasing power" and the "nominal value theory", presented a third theory of "‘Itibari property". The government guarantee and the reasons for the firm responsible for and shall pay the unfailing restoration and compensation, and given that this loss and waste in the long term in the context of the increase in nominal wages, salary compensation has been fixed at In the short term, this repair will not take place, the jurisprudential ruling of the compensation for the devaluation of money for long-term and short-term debts between people is different.


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