The Problems of Objectivity in Islamic Economics

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Economic, University of Isfahan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Economic, yasouj university, yasouj, Iran


Science is a objective knowledge. Always, objectivity means value-neutrality. But, is economics as a historical and social science, value-free? In philosophy of science we assume a distinction between context of discovery an context of justification, and we seek objectivity in the latter context. But there are critiques of this distinction, for example in holistic approaches of Kuhn and quine. In Kuhn's view there is not a standpoint to see objective facts independent of paradigm. In quine's view logic and experience are not sufficient for theory selection, so theories became underdeterminate. So we have need values (epistemic and non-epistemic) as a criteria for theory selection. This is a problem specially in social sciences such as economics. In this paper we show if we accept (Kuhn and quine) holism in economic methodology, this approach can expanded sphere of objectivity in economics. Economist via non-epistemic value in theory choice can overcome problems of underdetermination and objectivity in economics.


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