Just Choice Theory in Islamic Economics from Imam Al-‎Sadr Perspective

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Economic, Qom University

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Economics, Imam Sadiq University


Endogenously resolution of economic problems and realizing economic goals requires a theory which ‎has the capability of coherently regulating economic agent's behaviors through an economic system as a ‎whole. In neoclassical economics which is the so-called mainstream economics, rational choice theory ‎implies an endogenous realization of economic goals such as growth and welfare and every macro theory ‎should prove its merits through RCT. In Islamic Economics, what can provide internal coherence and ‎endogenously realizing economic goals such as growth and justice, is Just Choice Theory. It is important ‎that in Islamic economics, individualism and fragmentation is not allowed and economic system is just the ‎economic aspect of the whole social system. Relying on Imam Al-Sadr economic school, we are trying to ‎deploy the elements of just choice in Islamic economics. The Haq-ut-ta'ah (the right of obedience to Allah) ‎theory, Istikhlaf Theory and Social Balancing Theory provide the basis of JCT through determining and ‎restricting the space, incentive and rules of choice.


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