Recontextualizing Resistive Economy as a Behavioral System

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Educational Administration & Planning Department, Shiraz University

2 Ph.D Condidate in Educational Administration, Shiraz University


The aim of this study was to recontextualize the resistive economy as a behavioral system. This research was a qualitative project case study based on context or recontextualization and is placed among the basic researches based on its goal and has been done using thematic analysis method. The study population consisted of all the supreme leader’s statements in the scope of resistive economy and thematic analysis has been done based on recontextulization on these documents. In order to authenticate the validity of research data concepts such as credibility, trustworthiness, and defensibility have been used. Research findings indicate that recontextualizing the resistive economy as a behavioral system could be explained in the form of conceptual, structural, and functional themes. Henceforth, conceptual dimension includes components such as comprehending the concept of resistive economy, purpose, necessities, and strategies. In the structural dimension components such as strategic orientation, organizational design and cultural context are important. Finally, in functional dimension components including main activities (central), contextualizing activities and performance considerations are explained. According to the Supreme Leader's emphasis on the implementation of resistive economy pattern and the need for functional patterns application in order to save the country’s economy and on the other hand, due to the relative weakness of existing patterns in present research, practical implications of the findings have been discussed.


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