The Control Components on Economic Incentive and Behavior of the Human (From the View Point of Islamic Economics)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Economics, Imam Sadiq University

2 Masters in Islamic Studies and Economics, Imam Sadiq University


resources to satisfy human material needs are limited. So if the margin of needs satisfaction becomes motivated to infinite, since resources are limited, the more benefit for rich people is equal to the less benefit for poor people. So the question arises: how can control and halter the margin of satisfaction of human needs from inside? The study of this question and its answers in the context of Islamic economics is the focus of this article.
This article from aspect of content collection is library research and in the state of control components is analytical and descriptive.
Control components which are identified in this study and which influence economic incentive and behavior are following:
1- Reminding the death
2- Impermanence of secular world pleasures
3- Simple-living of officials
4- A companion of the poor
5- Reminding previous deprivation and compare with current gifts
6- Diseases
7- Changing the ignorance to knowledge
8- Infag .


قرآن کریم
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