A Comparative Study of Signalling Effect Variables of Profit - Loss Sharing(PLS) Contracts and Debt Contracts

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics, Allamah Tabatabaei University

2 Professor, Faculty of Economics, Allamah Tabatabaei University

3 Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Allamah Tabatabaei University

4 PhD. Candidate in Islamic economics, Allamah Tabatabaei University


Due to adverse selection and moral hazard problems associated to finance contracts in conventioal banking and Islamic banking,Use of signalling effects, variables of constitute of financial contracts can be a great help to offset the above issues is have. collateral and interest rate has been considered as the most important of components the agreement in conventional banking financial contracts, and with determination and adjust them, efficiency the contract has improved.
     So, In this research it has been tried to develop the social aspects of contracts by considering  the Islamic ethics values such as; honesty, trustworthy and so on which are effective undertaker behaviour in addition to economic aspect by taking into account the Islamic  banking issues in Profit - Loss Sharing contracts and conventional banking expriments to increase finnacial contract effieancy.
     The point is also due to the specific characteristics of Profit - Loss Sharing contracts, specially, the effect potential signalling of component ’profit share ratio’ in the contract could be used and adverse selection, and moral hazard problems be minimized.


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