A Jurisprudential Study of Governmental Musharakah Sukuk Profit in Public Benefit Projects

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor and faculty member of monetary and banking research institute (mbri)


the long history of the government budget deficit and its Unpleasant externalities in Iranian economy create important Concerns about its solutions.
According to the major share of Public Benefit Projects in the State budget, Governmental Musharakah sukuk issuance is a probable solution. The researches show the using of this kind of sukuk for public benefit projects financing has jurisprudential challenges.
The results of this paper demonstrate if the provisional profit of this sukuk is guaranteed similar to liability insurance by third party and non - governmental financial resources and so the government pricing and buy it based on Present value, there are not jurisprudential challenges with it. Also it seems the using of Qarz and Havaleh contracts can decrease the others challenges


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