Jurisprudential Analisis Of weather future


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Kharazmi University

2 PHD student of finance, allameh tabatabaei university- Fadaeivahed@atu.ac.ir


Derivatives were created in the financial markets to cover the variety of risks facing the firms. This type of tool, were created initially only to cover the financial risks such as fluctuations in asset prices, interest rates, exchange rates, etc. but because they have very high performance are also entered in other areas such as credit risk, weather and natural disasters. Weather futures contracts position as a means of emerging market derivatives, has been very good in this market. Weather futures contracts are used for hedging sale and return for firms. In this article, initially introduce history and literature review of weather future contract in conventional finance, and then survey this tools with juridical approach. The paper present that the first model of weather future in accepted by Islamic finance principals but the second model in accepted by sehhat, lozoom, prohibition of zarar, prohibition of riba, prohibition of gharar and prohibition of ghemar is but in not accepted accordance with Eccles by void. The paper presents a model for this tool is also provided in accordance with Islamic principles, which should make the real sector of the economy


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