Creating Clusters of Financing, Appropriate Pattern of Resistance in Economic Infrastructure and Support for Knowledge-Based Industries

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD Graduated in Economic Sciences, Payam Noor University


The monetary and financial system in our country should be rearranged for applying resistance economic. our monetary system now is a bank base one. so different firms with different conditions can not borrow loans for theirs necessities because of the bank conditions for borrowing. this conditions make very seeds of technologies be unavailable. so some institutions are needed to protect these gestation.this article say about ways to make financial capital providing to early-stage, high-potential, growth start-up companies in a financial cluster. The typical financial cluster investment occurs after the seed funding round as the first round of institutional capital to fund growth. It is also a way in which the private and the public sector can construct a systematically creates networks for the new firms and industries, so that they can progress.this opinion can help our economic to complete the value chain of activities that a firm operating in a specific industry performs in order to deliver a valuable product or service for the market who the more of this activities can be high-tech base industries.


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