The Economic Impacts of Completing the Measure and Scale in Transactions (Using Allameh Tabatabaei's Attitude in Al'mizan Interpretation)

Document Type : Research Paper



One of the necessities of social life is transaction between people, and one of the certain rule of these transaction is justice in trade-offs. On the other hand one of the components of this kind of justice is "Ifa-e-Kai" (completing the measure and scale). The importance of observing this rule is so that the non-compliance was the bane of the people of the prophet shuaib (pbuh). "Ifa-e-Kai" is not limited to bushel and weighted goods but it also include any kind of exchange of goods and services. So with the extension of "Ifa-e-Kai" concept, the extent of inclusion of this economic principle become broader and its realization become more important.
This paper is based on library research for gathering the information and on descriptive analysis for explaining the benefit of "Ifa-e-Kai". In this paper we use the related verse of Qurans and the transition of prophet (pbuh) through "Almizan" (a book of interpretation of Quran by Allame Tabatabaei) and some socio-economics scientists. The following result have been achieved as advantage of "Ifa-e-Kai" in transaction: greater focus on self-management and self-evaluation, raise of trust, lower price level and greater economic growth.


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