A Comparative Analysis of The Concept of "Status" in A Muslim Consumption Pattern and The Conspicuous Consumption Theory

Document Type : Research Paper



One of the issues with an important but vague place in jurisprudence is the matter of "Shaan" (status). For many reasons, among them the conceptual propinquity with custom and customary issues, it has been neglected. ‘Shaan’, regarding its widespread usage in juridical issues particularly in Khoms, Nafaqe, Zakat, Hajj and Doyon, can be one of the most significant and determinant factors in inferring the Muslim (Islamic) pattern of consumption. The main question of this paper is that which are relations between theory of "Shaan" theory of conspicuous consumption, the first menthioned by John Rae and theorised by Veblen. The methodology of this paper is based on librariyal studies and with Descriptive analytical approach.
Research findings show that despite that conspicuous consumption has positives such as acceleration of economic growth and explanation of social status but has adverse effects on economic, social and psychological, which causes excessive consumerism in Western societies. But the consumption in accordance with Shaan in Islamic economics has not only the positives of conspicuous consumption but also has more positive points such as reducing the class gap and no weaknesses and the potential harmful effects of this. So it is the optimal pattern of consumption of a Muslim.

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