Religiousity and Economic Behavior: Methodology of Experimental Economics for Homo Economicus

Document Type : Research Paper



Religious economics, with different principles and objectives than mainstream economics studies human behavior in society. Attach the scientific feature to Islamic Economics, necessitate the empirical experiment for it. This study investigates the difficulty and problems of studying religion and economics in macro level and represents solutions and the advantages of micro level study of religion-economics and also offers methodological requirements of this as interdisciplinary filed of study. Behavioral economics experiments based on the cognitive principles and methods of psychology, known as a suitable tool for such investigations. They have provided excellent research framework that can be used to study religious economy in a multidisciplinary space with effective control over confounding variables. In this study the principles of economic experiment for "religiousity and economic behavior" studies is introduced. Then the boundaries of prosocial behavior empirical research areas are presented. Through meta-analysis of some of the previous studies, some of the most important relationships between religion and economic variables are examined.


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