Analyzing the Value and Distribution Theories from the Point of View of Ayatollah Sadr

Document Type : Research Paper



The nature of value and its advent and the process of distribution of income shares and relation of these two with each other has been arena of challenges of different economic schools. The attempt in analyzing these views provides a suitable field for presenting economic views. This arena reveals interaction between values and attitudes and provides the possibility of demonstrating the views of Islamic economics and its strategies. This paper is based on literature studies and using deductive reasoning.
In the first part, the theory of value from the viewpoint of Adam smith, David Ricardo, Karl Marx and Stanly Jevons is investigated. Then the view of Ayatollah Sadr will be mentioned. In the second part, the theory of distribution is investigated from the viewpoint of them and then we explain the existence of inconsistency in Ayatollah Sadr version as a result of this part. In the third part, the principle of commercial liability is explained. Based on the consistency of which we have discussed, if the owners are not liable to capital, income securities issued will be banned.
