Basis, the Process of Illustration, Conceptual Model and Requirements of Islamic-Iranian Progress Pattern


Ph.D. student of Islamic Economics, Faculty of economics, Allameh Tabatabaee University


Pattern is a comprehensive map for moving in supreme path and so, surveying the aspects and principles of this moving is of great importance. The 22th verse of Mulk sura of Holy Quran can be viewed as a conceptual model for this moving. According to this verse, moving from an Islamic perspective is based on two pillars: understanding Haq path and Sirat al-Mustaqim and going through it; i.e. harmonic and correct motion through Haq path (Mashy-e Sawi).
Progress is the other aspect of the pattern. In Islamic thought, progress is "expanding capacity" and "developing existence". In this regard, "Welayee Justice" has the necessary and sufficient capacity for heading Islamic-Iranian Progress Pattern because justice is the only essential, regulable and measurable value.


قرآن کریم
نهج البلاغه
طباطبایی، سید محمد حسین (1369)، المیزان فی تفسیر القرآن، جلد 19، بی­جا: بی­نا.
جوادی آملی، عبداله (1386)، منزلت عقل در هندسه معرفت دینی، قم: نشر اسراء.