On the Role of the Socio-Economic History in the Methodology of the Islamic-Iranian Progress Model


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic studies and economics Imam Sadeq University


The preparation of "the Islamic-Iranian Progress Model" is a purposeful effort to build a civilization based on the Islamic-Iranian identity. This paper has tried to show that this model could not be developed without reference to the wider socio-economic history especially the history of Islamic-Iranian civilization. It is based on the fact that no one can understand the patterns that rule different communities without referring to history. Muslims from third to fifth Islamic centuries reached a level of economic prosperity that European nations only achieved after some centuries. In this study we attempt to introduce this approach and show how to extract a valuable and dynamic progress model from historical valuable stocks. The results of this paper show that the preparation of the Islamic-Iranian Progress Model needs a change in the method of economic studies, the use of historical methods and applying the institutional approach to the history of Islamic-Iranian civilization.



The preparation of "the Islamic-Iranian Progress Model" is a purposeful effort to build a civilization based on the Islamic-Iranian identity. This paper has tried to show that this model could not be developed without reference to the wider socio-economic history especially the history of Islamic-Iranian civilization. It is based on the fact that no one can understand the patterns that rule different communities without referring to history. Muslims from third to fifth Islamic centuries reached a level of economic prosperity that European nations only achieved after some centuries. In this study we attempt to introduce this approach and show how to extract a valuable and dynamic progress model from historical valuable stocks. The results of this paper show that the preparation of the Islamic-Iranian Progress Model needs a change in the method of economic studies, the use of historical methods and applying the institutional approach to the history of Islamic-Iranian civilization.

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