Islamic Financial System Necessitous in Islamic-Iranian Progress Model


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Islamic studies and economics, Imam sadiq University

2 Ph.D. Candidate in finance, Faculty of economics, allameh tabataba'i university


The place of Islamic financial system’s design and codification in terms of the principles and operational process in Islamic-Iranian progress model is an excellence path for development of our country. Islamic finance can noble Islamic economic models in three functional dimensions include financial instruments, markets and institutions. Accurate execution of Islamic financial system requires evaluation of basic aspects of Islamic economics/ finance in order to lead to stability progress. Bagher Sadr (Rhmth) argues Islamic economics and finance models are in genesis stage whereas, school developed foundations and frameworks (infrastructure) and models (superstructure) in Islamic economic system. Considering the exploratory nature of Islamic finance, the place of Islamic finance in mentioned model should be designed.
This paper determine the role of Islamic finance in Islamic-Iranian progress model and strives to present a roadmap based on Islamic thoughts and local area patterns. Thus it focuses on the role of Islamic finance in the model by explanation of principles, norms, goals and functional parameters governing Islamic financial system.


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