Natural Advantage (Justice-Based) vs. Conventional Advantage; Application of Geographical Justice Criteria in the Spatial-Sectoral Development Plans (Case Study: The Advantage of Producing Provinces)



Naming the fourth decade of the Islamic revolution: "progress and justice" by the supreme leader and regional programming as one of important strategies in the development plans, highlights the necessity of design geographical justice criteria in the geography of the country. Considering all this, the current research tries to answer two questions in the area of justice and development:
1. How should the criteria of local-sectoral development plans be defined? Considering the geographical justice criteria, what are the main approaches in local-sectoral development? 2. Based approach to geographical justice, what is the advantage of producing province of the country? what is the commensurate of these advantages with the conventional approach?
According to the geographical justice, it seems that the main approach in Islamic economics in geographical advantage is natural advantage. The natural advantage requires that only natural criteria be considered and the regional advantage will be a multi-dimensional problem based on natural criteria. After determining these criteria, the policies related to developing the artificial criteria related to the advantaged sectors will be provided.
The application of Article and based on theoretical principles presented, the geographical advantage in areas of Iran with the conventional approach and natural advantage were presented. Finally, a comparative analysis of these two approaches was made.This comparison shows the results of local-sectoral development plans in the pass has the 50% deviation from the requisite.
