A Study of the Taxation Challenges of Financing through Ijara Sukuk Certificates

Document Type : Research Paper



Financing is one of the most important topics in finance area, with this respect many financial instruments are designed and put into practice. Concerning the lack of financial instruments in Iran, designing new financial instruments seems crucial to Iranian Companies. In Islamic financial systems, Ijara Sukuk certificates which are one of the most frequently used instruments seem to be an appropriate choice. But in utilizing them it is essential to take into consideration all important factors and the particular business environment situation of the country. One of the most important challenges facing in the process of issuing this new financial instrument is taxation. It seems that in order to solving tax problems of issuing Ijara Sukuk certificates, in short run interests paid on these securities should be tax exempt just like interests on Mosharekat securities and bank deposits however, in long run by legislation of appropriate rules and regulations, interests paid on Ijara Sukuk certificates, Mosharekat securities and bank deposits should be treated as taxable income for investors but tax deductible for issuers.


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