On the Role of Koranic Rationality in the Managers Appropriate Decision-Making and Developing a Conceptual Framework

Document Type : Research Paper



the Hadiths and others develop its base in a way that includes any valuable asset.This article aims at identifying the effect of Koranic rationality and religious beliefs in developing appropriate decision-making
among managers through a library method and reference to related documents
. The
Koranic rationality manifests at three levels of insight, morality and
instrumentation while secular rationality relies on instrumentation alone
. In
other words, Koranic rationality besides engineering, measuring, regulating and
predicting everyday livelihood, tries to regulate man's relations with God,
world, himself and others and to engineer morality
. Thus following
Koranic rationality enhances morality among organizational activities
. In
this rationality, virtues are
\"valued\" and
indecencies are
\"devalued\". All
virtues and values are in agreement with religion and rationality and are
bestowed rewards while all devalues and indecencies are against religion and
rationality and are followed by punishment
. Lack of Koranic
rationality and low level of religious beliefs among managers result in
ignoring the minute humane and social values in decisions made
. One
of the main topics addressed in this article is related to the role of Koranic
rationality and religious beliefs in the process of appropriate decision making
. To
achieve the above mentioned goals, the Holy Koran and its teachings are set as
the bases of this study and efforts `have been made to identify the key
teachings and their consequences on the quality of the managers' decision
making through – increasing their knowledge and perspectives – while developing
a conceptual framework to develop these values in the area of management under
an Islamic approach


قرآن کریم
نهج البلاغه
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