Measuring and Rating the Social Capital Level in Iranian Provinces (in 2008)

Document Type : Research Paper



One of the biggest problems in social capital research is the measurement of this concept. Researchers chose indicator or indicators for measuring social capital according to their approach. In this article, we try to measure social capital level in different provinces of Iran. In this regard we use combination of survey approach and AHP method. Trust, social participation, civil cooperation and honesty are chosen as main indicators of social capital.
Questionnaire has been distributed among citizens of Iranian province centers in 2008 summer. The quantitative level of indicators for each province has been determined by analyzing the relevant questionnaire. On the other hand the importance and weights of each of 4 indicators determined by AHP matrix which was distributed among social capital researchers. Finally using results of questionnaire analysis and weights of indicator, the quantitative level of social capital has been achieved. The results show that Semnan has occupied the first place in social capital level followed by Yazd, Zanjan and Ghazvin.


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