Indexation of Justice Theory of Islam for Optimal Allocation of Energy Subsidy Among Socio-Economic Subsectors in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



This paper presents an Indexation of justice theory of Islam with AHP model for sect oral allocation energy subsidy; Indexation of justice is associated with two axioms that involve efficiency maximization and improving income and wealth distribution among socio–economic levels and then  it  is quantified  by some criteria including: economic growth, energy intensity, labor intensity, inflation, social cost of air pollutions and distribution of energy subsidy among socio-economic levels. By priority determination at these criteria through questionnaire and AHP method, the overall rank of these criteria that have the most influence on distribution of energy subsidy among socio–economic subsectors , are: inflation economic growth labor intensity distribution of energy subsidy among socio-economic energy intensity social cost of air pollution;  finally, the overall rank of the socio-economic sub sectors in IRAN for allocation of energy subsidy is based on idea of Indexation of justice theory of Islam with AHP model, is commercial industry agriculture household  transportation.


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