Fighting against Money Laundering in Islamic Republic of Iran’s Laws and the International Documents



Nowadays, the economical and commercial activities play an important role in the
countries’ political stability. Also, the diplomatic ties and countries

bilateral or
multilateral relations are based on their economical and commercial power.
However, in the today’s world, money laundering has become a global problem.
This predicament has become common all over the world and appears as a universal
unlawful phenomenon in the universal economy. Because of this, international
community has decided to fight against it. For reaching this end, the international
community has done several activities such as united nations convention in narcotic
drugs or convention of anti-narcotic campaign and hallucinogenic drugs, Basel
committee statutes, EU 1990 charter, Palermo convention ,...
The Islamic Republic of Iran because of some gaps in the banking system and being
in the transit route of drugs has planned a campaign against money laundering from
years ago. Finally, legislators at parliament passed in 2008 a related and necessary
act, and the mechanisms to campaign against this phenomenon were explained.
Although there are some deficiencies in the banking system, currency, customs,
taxation, statistics and ... the country still needs to review and update the policies to
fight against this phenomenon.
